Tantric Pulsation Experience 3
The third module is for those whowant to leanr how to lead Tantric Pulsation events. By creating meditations, leading structures and…
The third module is for those whowant to leanr how to lead Tantric Pulsation events. By creating meditations, leading structures and…
A training for artists and non-artists, and anyone with a sincere wish to look inside themselves and release their authentic…
Many people have a strong longing to be more creative, but often cannot find an authentic way to give space to this longing in their lives…
A method with a holistic experiential approach to address and recognize discomforts of emotional, cognitive and behavioral origin..
Everything alive is made up of energy and moves with a rhythm and pulsation that expands and contracts. It is an evident phenomenon from…
Most people miss meditation because they think it is something serious and time consuming. It is neither. Meditation can be a way of life…
Are you creative, or do you become creative? Society leads us to believe that the correct answer is the second, but we think that the….
Living life in a state of Well-Being means recognizing that you have more energy available, activating joy and vitality, bringing serenity…
We all long to be heard and seen; to include instead of separate; to love ourselves and others openly and fully…
Being vulnerable does not mean being weak. Being vulnerable requires courage and strength in showing ourselves who we are to the people…