Deepti Canfora en

Deepti Canfora went to India in 1975 when she was 18 and received initiation from Osho.
She is a disciple and devotee of Osho, inspired by her Master; from that moment, she begins her esoteric research, leading her to unite dance with meditation.
She developed what has now become a degree course in Psychodance Therapy Counselling, Metaphysical Dance®, accredited by the Popolare University of Milan.
Initially, she was a classical, modern and contemporary dancer, then a dance teacher and choreographer, and currently a doctor in Psychological Sciences and Techniques.
She also holds a Doctorat en Thérapie de la Danse-Méthode Metaphysical Dance®, she is a member of the Ordre Europeen des Psychothérapistes, Ordre Europeen des Specialistes en Disc. Psychologiques-Arts Thérapistes-registre des Danse-thérapistes e Ordre des Formateurs.
She is a meditation teacher, Emotional Life Coach, Holistic Counselor Supervisor, and Family Constellation Leader.
She is the creator of the Deep Stretching® – Camphor Method, a work of lengthening and rebalancing the deep muscles. In recent years, she has developed active meditations inspired by Osho and the sutras of the Vigyana Bhairava Tantra.
Each meditation has its theme, and each becomes a “mise en scène” of oneself accompanied by the body with its movement, supported by engaging music to inspire and stimulate feeling and then accompany you into the silence of meditation.
You can find some videos of her on her YouTube channel:
www.deepticanfora.comUPCOMING EVENTS

Degree course Counseling in Psychodance Therapy Metaphysical Dance®
Una danza che ti porta oltre il visibile, che trascende ciò che è fisico trasformandolo in energia e va oltre l’energia, al centro di te..