I.T.S. My Life Training

DURATION: 2 anni



Leead by:


Prashantam, Josè Miguel Pereira De Matos, was born in Portugal in 1949 and received initiation from...

A Master Training MY LIFE

This unique and original training teaches the skills to be the Master of your own Life.
You will learn about how to relate to your body as a healer, how to recognise your systems of behaviour. You will grow the awareness of your emotional attachments and dependencies, as well as the importance of a deep harmony with your sexuality.
Such awakening about your whole being naturally will give you the power of being Master of Your Life.
As “Knowing yourself is the best way to know others”, such qualities make you a qualified person to help and guide others, in addition eventually to your school curriculum.

I.T.S. MY LIFE training it consists of 5 modules of 7 days each. You can choose in which order to participate or choose to participate in just one module.
Upon completion of the 5 modules you will receive a certificate of attendance entitled “Personal Master Training” corresponding to 250 hours of training on Meditation, Awareness and Personal Growth.

These are the main topics taught during the I.T.S. MY LIFE training:


  • Belief systems
  • The art of non-identification
  • Mind as a tool
  • Levels of Mind
  • Benefits of Meditation (techniques, know-how)
  • Knowledge/Awareness
  • No Mind/Peace of Mind
  • Mind as a wave of energy
  • Q&A:sharing practice


  • I need love/not pain
  • Loving myself
  • Dependency/Expectations
  • Fear to love/being loved
  • Anxiety/Contentment
  • I am love
  • Q&A:sharing practice


  • Anger as positive energy
  • Fear/Life without fear
  • I want/I can
  • Finding my truth
  • My image/My innerself
  • Relaxation/Flowing with the life
  • Q&A:sharing practice


  • Sex is good. Sex is natural
  • Intimacy/Sharing/Friendship
  • Sex without guilt
  • Conscious sex
  • Sex as a divine gift
  • I celebrate myself/Orgasm
  • Tantra
  • Relationships/Partnerships
  • Playfulness/Melting/Silence
  • Q&A:sharing practice


  • The 4 Pillars of the Healing Process
  • The Body Posture: how to stand and to sit
  • Relaxation
  • Active Meditations and Totality
  • The Breath
  • Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • DIVINE HEALING exercises: breathing movements
  • The technique of Shiatsu, Basic Pattern
  • Practice

Leead by:


Prashantam, Josè Miguel Pereira De Matos, was born in Portugal in 1949 and received initiation from...

Moduls and schedule

I.T.S. My Life Training – MY BODY

Pillars of Healing Process. Body Posture. Relaxation. Meditation. Totality. Breath. Elements of Chinese Medicine…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.

I.T.S. My Life Training – MY EMOTIONS

Anger. Fear. A Life Without Fear. I want/I can find my Truth. My image. My inner self. Relaxation. Flowing with life…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.

I.T.S. My Life Training – MY HEART

I need love, not pain. I’m afraid to love and be loved. Is there an answer to my questions? You are LOVE…

dal 8 November, 2024 ore 10:00
al 14 November, 2024 ore 16:30

I.T.S. My Life Training – MY MIND

Belief systems. The art of non-identification. Mind as a tool. Levels of Mind. Benefits of Meditation…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.

I.T.S. My Life Training – MY SEXUALITY

Intimacy. Conscious sex. Sex without guilt. Sex as a gift. Playfulness. Relationships. Melting. Silence…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.