Osho Family Constellation Basic Training

DURATION: 1 anno



Leead by:


Siddho has a doctorate in Social Psychology Science. In 1978 she met the...


Anurag has a humanistic and business education. Through his work, he helps...


Arpita has a formation in Family and Work Constellations, Star Sapphire,...

In this Training the theoretical, practical and spiritual foundations of the methodology of Family and Relational Systemic Constellations are taught.

The Training is conducted by Siddho Marchesi, who was a direct student of Bert Hellingher, Anurag Gaeta, co-leader with Siddho in Family Constellations Training and Coaching for life and by Arpita who has training in Family and Work Constellations, daRE (dynamic of attachment), IsP (Integral Somatic Psychology).

During this training it is transmitted how to act from a space of meditation, presence and emptiness both during the development of the constellations and in the client-facilitator relationship. Guided meditations, exercises of presence, breathing and release of traumas intersperse the moments of explanation and practice, to expand the space of observation and containment.

The atmosphere and energy field in which the work takes place are rooted in deep respect and attention to the psycho-somatic sensitivity of each participant.

Osho Family Constellation is a Basic Training of Family Constellations which is developed in 3 modules held a few months apart from each other, so that participants have enough time to absorb what they have been learning and go deeper into their inner processes.

During this training, each participant will have the chance to work on his or her personal issues and have the opportunity to deeply explore his or her family system and the problems connected with it. All participants will be actively involved as representatives in other participants’ constellations.

The Basic Training is divided into 3 modules of 6 days each and, although modular, is to be considered as an organic unit. It is therefore not possible to participate only in individual modules and it is necessary to participate in the entire path of the 3 modules in the order presented and respecting their structure.


Individuality and going beyond our personality, permitting us to live our own life implies a deep work about our original family system. Osho Family Constellation Basic Training heals our roots and helps us find the right place in the world and in relationships through awareness. It allows us to develop our true potential thanks to a deep understanding of the hidden and powerful bonds with our original family systems, which often limit us to different aspects of life without our being aware of it.


Family systems influence which aspects of life? All of them! From the relationship with our partner or with others in our workplace to the one with creativity and money, and from the relationship we establish with our children to, importantly, our moods and inner feelings. We often feel emotions that seem to belong neither to our past nor to our present.


You will be taught the theoretical, practical and spiritual foundations of Osho Family and Relationship Constellations, while learning how to move from a dimension of meditation, presence and emptiness both during a constellation and in the facilitator-client relationship. Guided meditations, presence exercises, breath and trauma release will be part of the training to expand the space for observation and containment. The atmosphere and the energy field in which the work will be carried out will be deeply rooted in respect and care for the psychosomatic sensitivity of each participant.


This Family Constellation Training is not only a place where to learn a method but also a space where meditation, presence, lovingness and compassion represent the fertile soil to heal our soul and deeply decondition ourselves. Osho Family Constellation Training can reconnect us with our individuality through a deep reconciliation. This means much more than just reconciling with our family’s past; it means being able to spread our wings, meditate, and deeply know ourselves. This work is not only about ‘getting rid of burdens’, as many think; it is a training that will give us the opportunity to expand our dignity and strength as responsible human beings who want to step out of mechanical behavior to live a conscious life.


Transgenerational wounds often leave their mark. We will understand what potential effects premature deaths, unjustly excluded family members, such as wars, or other traumatic events have on us. These wounds pass down from generation to generation at a cell level. Family Constellations allow us to find which ancestor, transgenerational situation or childhood trauma we are entangled with. Through deep observation and the new, aware choice of our right place, we can recover a huge amount of energy that was unconsciously lost and allow our frozen love to flow again. Finding our place in life means feeling lighter, living a full and joyful life, and discovering our creative potential while having healthy relationships.



This Basic Training represents the first step of a wider path on our personality structure. The process lasts three years and includes two other advanced trainings: in-depth work on attachment, shocks and personal trauma, specific work on the dynamics of projections in relationships, as well as a Supervision group.

“I am not life negating. I am absolutely affirmative. Whatsoever one is, one is not to escape from anywhere – family, responsibility, work – from nowhere; rather one has to go deeper into it.”OSHO, Above all don’t wobble

The course lasts three years and includes two other advanced trainings: in-depth work on attachment, shocks and personal trauma, specific work on the dynamics of projections in relationships, as well as a Supervision group.

The methodologies used are among the most advanced: NARM (Neuro Affective Relationship Model), andTrauma Constellations. These methodologies are rooted in meditation. These methods help us disentangle and integrate all that is fragmented inside us due to the events of our life. This will let us experience a new dimension of Being ONE inside and help us develop our capacity for empathy and relaxation while working with people.

“I don’t deny life at all, I absolutely affirm it, whatever you are, you don’t have to run away from anything: family, responsibility, work, rather you have to go into it deeply and understand …” OSHO, Above all don’t wobble

Leead by:


Siddho has a doctorate in Social Psychology Science. In 1978 she met the...


Anurag has a humanistic and business education. Through his work, he helps...


Arpita has a formation in Family and Work Constellations, Star Sapphire,...

Moduls and schedule

Osho Family Constellation Basic Training 1

Morphogenetic and information fields and phenomenology of family systems. Personal, collective and spiritual Conscience. Orders of love and…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.

Osho Family Constellation Basic Training 2

The three basic relations: children-parents, man-woman, parents-children. Children’s place in the different stages of growth and in cases…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.

Osho Family Constellation Basic Training 3

Movements of repetition and compensation in life and relationships. Receiving and helplessness. Disease as atonement…

Il corso è in attesa di una nuova programmazione, scrivici per ulteriori info.