Osho Family Constellation Basic Training 3

Movements of repetition and compensation in life and relationships. Receiving and helplessness. Disease as atonement…

Osho Meditation Training 1

“The best way to learn something is to teach it.” It is a workshop learning how to share the almost inexpressible experience of meditation…

Osho Meditation Training 2

A training suitable for those who want to professionally facilitate Osho’s meditations and for those who want to deepen their practice …

Osho Methods To Relax The Mind

Our mind is like a salesman – constantly selling us something in the future, keeping us busy with new desires…

Osho Neo Reiki 2° level

The 2°level strengthens one’s intuition and therapeutic capacities. This happens by being initiated to healing symbols and to corresponding…

Osho Neo Vipassana Retreat

What better way to begin the new year than to let the celebrative Zorba energy of the festive season settle into the silence of the Buddha?

Osho Neo-Vipassana Retreat 5 or 7 days

Vipassana is known as an insight meditation. An insight is an understanding that can happen, not through thinking about something, but…

Osho No Mind

Scientifically designed for the contemporary man it offers the opportunity for a breakthrough; experiments how to release energy…

Osho Pulsation Advanced Training 1

Grounding: contact with legs, feet, the roots, eyes. Facilitator’s inner space. Relation with client. Giving and observing sessions.

Osho Pulsation Advanced Training 2

The neo-reichian body types. Giving and observing sessions: deepening and supporting with words. A session for the pelvic segment…

Osho Pulsation Advanced Training 3

Session: insights. Facilitator/Client. Sexuality, sensuality and pleasure. Presentation of the third year of Training: Supervision.

Osho Pulsation: Opening to Feeling

The relaxation that follows spontaneous emotional release allows us to re-connect with inner wholeness, authenticity of expression and the…