Awaken the Energy!

You experience the possibility of living in contact with a greater amount of life energy, learning to perceive how it flows within you…

Bardo Thodol

To listen, absorb, meditate, and understand these precious instruction on the death process is essential, an immense contribute to our…

Be Total!

We get in touch with our creative essence through meditation, painting, forest bathing, sensory walking, relaxation in warm water..

Being Water

We use warm water as the main tool to facilitate access to the beneficial dimension of relaxation, effortlessly and effortlessly

Between Water and Sound: Silence

Three days between water and sound. An opportunity to be seized, savored and enjoyed, a precious gift to celebrate life…

Beyond the Mind, Freedom

Freedom is to live beyond the limitations that the mind imposes on us, being aware and present to ourselves and what is happening moment by..

Breath Inner Adventure ONLINE

FREE EVENT ONLINE. Breath brings you to this moment, to feel your self again, to rediscover your body and it’s needs. Spontaneity arises…

Breath Waves

Breath is the most precious tool at our disposal to get in touch with the depth of our being, while the water is a vehicles for sensations…

Gli anni della foresta

Breathing for healing natural sexuality

We all need loving relationships that are nourishing and sexually satisfying; instead we often avoid closeness with other peop …

Breathing from Fear to Intimacy

Only if we learn to release our breath from old restraints and emotional wounds and unburden our heart, we can again reach deep health…

Breathing in Love and Freedom

Love is your longing for relaxation, expansion… but old wounds keep you locked in dependency and have blocked your breath…

Breathing your emotions

Our body is the window to a rich world of energy, sensations, emotions and expressions. All our emotions are reflected in our breathing…