IKIGAI is aimed at all people who wish to create a more sustainable, inclusive and happy world where there is room for joy, creativity, empathy and love.
It is a 21-day training divided into 3 modules: one of 6 days, one of 7 and one of 8 days. You can choose in which order to participate or choose to participate in just one module.
3RD MODULE – IKIGAI: life worth living
Every living being on this planet is driven towards flowering and evolution. For human beings, flourishing means bringing harmony, beauty, creativity, happiness and pleasure; it is a call to go beyond an EGOLOGICAL perspective, aimed only at the survival of the individual, to embrace the ECOLOGICAL vision where one becomes an instrument playing in the great orchestra of life.
Discovering one’s IKIGAI means finding one’s place in the world and the direction in which to direct energies and qualities: the warrior becomes agents of change at the service of love.