Tantric Pulsation



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Tantric Pulsation is an exploration of human energy and a rediscovery of our bodys natural capacity to feel and enjoy pleasure in its own flowing vitality and inner aliveness.

This work provides a loving, supportive environment for all participants to discover a new sensitivity and to learn to bring a meditative quality to intimate meetings with the others. It is a space to open up in deep trust and receptivity to the love we all long to give and receive.

We use neo-Reichian deep breathing, movement and dance, body-active meditations and chakra energy work to loosen the bodys muscular armoring, opening to deeper layers of relaxation and sensitivity.

Tuning into the energy flow through the spine, the nadis, and the Chakras, we will explore the natural bio-electric polarity of the masculine and feminine energies. Tantric meditations developed from Oshos The Book of Secrets form a basis for partner meditations using breath, eye contact, touch, inner sensing, and sharing. Meeting and melting with the other in a deep let-go, we can rediscover the natural blissfulness that is a potential of our loving relationships.

This workshop is open to everybody, some group experience is welcome, especially if body and/or breathing work.


Aneesha Dillon

Aneesha Dillon, American-born, trained in neo-Reichian education with Charles Kelley at the Radix...


Tantric Pulsation Experience

An exploration of human energy, a rediscovery of the body’s natural ability to feel and enjoy its own vitality…



Aneesha Dillon