MAP Miasto Awareness Program – Creativity and Communication




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Are you creative, or do you become creative? Society leads us to believe that the correct answer is the second, but we think that the correct answer is the first.

We are all born with a natural creative potential, but often the “voices” of parents and the society that we carry within us cover ours. Our inner voice knows who we are, even if we have difficulty listening to it and trusting that there is a place for each of us in the world.

There are thousands of flowers; each has a different and unique fragrance, and each has its own place. You have yours, too!

This course strengthens the courage to be and express oneself to bring expansion and clarity to life, work and relationships.

And focused on creating your reality by listening to your inner voice and connecting with your natural talents and resources.
When you fear being yourself, you deny yourself the right to live in harmony.

Your creativity is aimed at producing masks, and your communication is aimed at pleasing the other or keeping him at a distance. You manipulate yourself and situations because, in this way, “nothing and no one can hurt you or cause damage”. And life becomes a cage.

This course supports trusting you, teaches you the keys to communicating who you are, and helps you bring your individuality and strength into the world to ride your destiny. You tune into your creative resources and learn to recognize relationship communication traps.

We use exercises in communication based on listening and conscious expression. We also use Ericksonian hypnosis exercises, and you have the opportunity to clarify relational dynamics and learn conscious communication.


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Siddho has a doctorate in Social Psychology Science. In 1978 she met the spiritual master Osho and...


Anurag has a humanistic and business education. Through his work, he helps people to fulfill...



