MAP Miasto Awareness Program 7° MEDITATION WEEKEND




from 15 November hour 10:00
to 17 November hour 16:30

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Most people miss meditation because they think it is something serious – and time consuming. It is neither.

Meditation can be a way of life – it is your nature. We are born with it and then the quality of meditation becomes covered up by our necessity to survive and fit in with society.

This weekend course will give you ways and methods to bring meditation into your daily activities so that it can become part of life and not something separate from life.

You will learn the basic scientific approach of Osho’s active meditations that have been created specially for contemporary people. We will practice some of these together.

There will be time for your questions of course and for you to share your experiences.

Osho’s ‘Book of Secrets’ consists of one hundred and twelve Tantra techniques…..and you may find the one that is perfect for you. Some of these techniques use our senses of looking, listening, touch, as a way to explore our inner world, as well as meditations on light, darkness, and movement.

Movement is a joyful experience, especially as Marco will be playing live music for us.

You will have an opportunity to experiment with Osho Vipassana and Osho Zazen as part of this course. These methods are fundamentally similar, and yet, so different. I could venture to say that Vipassana is more “dreamy and feminine” and Zazen is more “alert and awakening”.  Both are invaluable tools for living life at our full potential.



Shunyo e Veet Marco

Prem Shunyo has been a sannyasin since 1974 and lived alongside Osho for a long time, taking care of...



Shunyo e Veet Marco