Find Your True Authentic Strenght

The bigger and deeper the roots, the taller and stronger the tree. This is valid also for us but unfortunately we have disconnected from and we hardly know any more our roots. On the other hand we are starting to perceive the need of the reconnection with the energy of the earth, with our true…

Osho Pulsation Bodywork Magna

Five Keys to a Happier Life

Each day we will focus on a vital key to a happier life: connection, acceptance, loving awareness, gratitude, and trust…

Flowing between Water, Earth, Air and Fire

A two-day retreat to reconnect to the wisdom of the body. Water work, meditation, massage to relax and enjoy …

Flowing in the Relationship: Freedom from Judgments

It is a workshop on relating from a space of freedom from judgments. For the human being it is very difficult…

Freeing the Body: Osho Pulsation The Basic Training

Reichian Theory. Personal experience and individual sessions. What is Pulsation. nergy: the vital force. Pulsation breathing…

Freeing the Body: The Week End

We allow long-suppressed sensations and emotions to start moving and expressing themselves again, dissolving many blocks…

Fresh Paint!

ART FOR THE YOUNG. Often a teenager feels in crisis, not listened to, forced and repressed, he doesn’t have the space to be free in his research…


A workshop for adults and parents to experience breathing, conscious movements, sharing experiences, releasing tensions..

Grounding and Flowing

Grounding and Flowing. An experience to bring clarity to the strategies we voluntarily or unconsciously use to protect or dissociate…

Healing Dance Introduction

A weekend dedicated to those who want to experience a first approach with this form of aquatic bodywork…

Healing The Inner Child

A precious weekend recommended for anyone looking for a fresh start in their life and relationships and…

Healing The Inner Teenager Training 1

Meeting the inner teenager, Rediscovering longing, Exploring shame. You will learn to recognize and connect different parts of your inner…