A Touch of Love




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The workshop is for couples.

How many times we felt in trouble touching or being touched by the partner, maybe we felt cold, rigid, insensible, or simply unsatisfied. Hoping and waiting to receive pleasure or to give pleasure, in  expectation.

How many times we didn’t feel sincere, present, total, in that touch.
Touch is not only giving but firstly is the ability to receive, to feel, to be present.
Touching is not a technique to learn, but it is presence, love, and first of all love for self.
Touch is innocence, curiosity, sensibility.

In relationship the touch is also the opportunity to open yourself, to exchange, to share, to communicate the pleasure to touch and to be touched.

In Touch the hands are the most important tool, even if in reality the whole body is able to touch: they speak, see and feel, they are able to express closeness, tenderness, presence, compassion, loving kindness, affection, passion and desire.
Touch is complete and profound nourishment, the first instrument of awareness of life itself in the external world: When born, the mother touches her baby.
Touch is recognition of our unique being.
Feeling caressed, touched, welcomed, protected, approved … confirmed, recognized.

In this workshop we want to go back to the natural pleasure of simple touch, exchanging sensations of love and presence to thus create a good feeling together that is not only emotional, but also physical.

The two bodies meet each other and play together in search of individual pleasure above all rather than focused on giving only pleasure to the other, opening up to deeper and inner levels of communication, melting, merging into the other body.

We use different meditation techniques, dance as a technique of expression and movement, sharing.
This work is focused on getting to know yourself, your feeling, your body,
so you can be able to express and to share with your partner the will to feel good and finding together the pleasure in the meeting and touching.

You have the opportunity to learn pleasant and simple massage techniques to practice with your partner.

“Be in your fingers and your hands as if your whole being, your whole soul is there. Don’t let it be just a touch of the body.” OSHO, Daily Darshan – Hammer on the Rock, 1976




Dayita is a simple man with more then 25 years working on himself and then with people. Actually he...

Deva Oxana

Deva Oxana is a masseuse and a fairy tale therapist. While trying to heal herself; she discovered...



Deva Oxana
