Dance Alchemy Training 3




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This training is a transformation process that uses body expressiveness through dance. It is a path based on meditation, inner alchemy, love, in line with modern neuroscience and Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) therapy.


The 3rd module lasts 10 days and the prerequisite to participate is to have attended the first and second module.

After module 2 – healing of the past, connection to your essential gifts, expansion of creativity and then a deepening understanding of the body, nervous system, alchemy in daily life and learning a simple session protocol, you are prepared for the third part of the training.

Module 3 will bring together what you have learned so far, teach new understandings and focus on where your creativity wants to go. It will focus on skills for working with people, which can be applied in any work you choose to do or create, making it more effective. You will be guided to connect with your own unique direction and truth through a somatic and heart exploration.

Together we will look into what it actually is that makes the work relevant and powerful which is meditation. For each of us, penetrating our connection with meditation, love, the soul and why we are here can lead you to live meditation in your life and in your work.

You also will learn Valuing, which is very important on the path.

Recognizing the essential energies of your beauty, being and gifts is an antidote to listening to the critical voices of conditioning – it helps you start living your life as a joy – not a problem.

You will learn new ways of working with movement, emotions, dance and the body, and learn new understandings and skills, such as language skills, presence, inquiry.

You’ll have time and space to practice, share and create together.

You’ll receive an understanding of how issues are held in the body-mind system, and how Dance Alchemy can work energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally to unwind and dissolve these limiting patterns.We examine how problems and suffering from the past are held in our body-mind system. You will learn about the nervous system and limbic brain, it’s survival mechanisms the subtle energy bodies, and emotional body, and how to work with them in yourself or with others.

You will give and receive mini-sessions, which supports what each of us is unwinding and discovering along the way, and strengthens the power of being present from the heart.

You address issues about difficulties that can arise in working with people, such as judgement, boundaries, unworthiness. You are provided with the Karpman triangle as a tool, as a map to read dysfunctional human interactions. This gives you new skills and a grounding in being present from the heart to yourself and others.

For whoever is interested, you will have a chance to create a little class or event or presentation, with a basic guideline I will give you, and practice sharing with eachother.

You will be as challenged as you want to be – there will be an invitation to own and share the work with movement, dance, meditation and alchemy. If you want to create and experiment, on your own or together with a few others, the opportunity is there. If you simply want to participate and absorb, that is also tremendously valuable. Everything has its’ timing.

MODULE 3 summary

  • Understand why meditation is essential to growth and healing work
  • Discover your own creative gifts, merits and abilities, so you can develop your own style and way of working with people and with inner Alchemy.
  • Practice dance alchemy, so it becomes easy, creates new neural pathways
  • Learn and practice different possibilities of working with movement, emotions, dance, and the
  • Learn Valuing – antidote to self-judgement
  • Learn skills for working with people
  • Understand how issues are held in the body-mind system, and how Dance Alchemy can work energetically, physically, emotionally and mentally to unwind and dissolve them
  • Learn techniques for working with certain issues
  • Learn about the nervous system and the limbic brain
  • Learn to read energy through your own body
  • Learn techniques to bring understanding to people through your work
  • Strengthen the power of your presence
  • Learn to create your own workshops and classes, and practice facilitating classes and sessions

A full certification will be awarded after MODULE 3 and the requirements of repeating or assisting any 2 parts. After MODULE 3 you will be eligible for an internship in further developing sessions, classes and groups in Dance Alchemy or in your own work.

“…it has to be done. You have to create my message in as many forms as possible. Compose music, play on the guitar or on the flute, because it is easier to stir the heart of the people, to wake it up through music than through words. Dance, but dance in a new way so your dance becomes a teaching of meditation. Dance in such a way that the one who looks at you starts feeling that it is not only a dance but something more, something plus; so that he starts feeling the vibe of meditation that is happening inside you.” OSHO, The Book of Wisdom


Dance Alchemy Training

BODY-BASED TRANSFORMATIONAL THERAPY. A powerful transformation process that uses expression, dance and meditation…



Maneesha Mc Clure was trained in dance and dance therapy in the USA. In 1973 she became a disciple...


