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Open up to love and create your own well-being!

AmoMe® is an experiential workshop focusing on love as a vital energy at the basis of personal well-being and a necessary element for harmonious relationships with others.

It is a comprehensive approach to life, oriented towards feeling good about yourself, respecting your authenticity, expressing and sharing your truth, creating valuable relationships and living in harmony with everything around you.

This course aims to be a clear turning point in one’s lifestyle: it will allow each of the participants to contact their most authentic part, recognize their needs and desires while fostering love towards oneself – laying the foundations for a more respectful and nourishing life.

In this workshop we will experience how we can nourish our inner flow of love by respecting who we are and letting go of the weight, effort and fatigue associated with the feeling that we must be adequate and worthy to be happy. We will try to recognize that love is a resource always available and not the reward after a performance.

Through numerous self-exploration exercises and specific meditation techniques we will begin to direct our lives towards joy, gratitude, trust and an expanded form of self-actualization.

An inner rebalancing work will be done to recover harmony between mind, body and heart; finding our personal balance which is the foundation of our happiness.


We will explore ourselves from a space of acceptance
We will activate the connection and develop harmony between mind, body and heart
We will begin to define more loving and beneficial life patterns


A greater sense of integrity and integration
A greater sense of inner harmony and balance
The knowledge of some pragmatic elements of love


Open to anyone who wants to explore their inner world and find a new lifestyle that is more loving and respectful to their well-being.




Aseel is Osho sannyasin since 2003, has worked as a social worker and educator. ...


