Yoga and the Shapes of the Water




from 4 October hour 10:00
to 6 October hour 16:30

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Water by its nature has no form but through the body we will learn the flowing, becoming aquatic form in motion, flexible and connected to the source of life.

In the beautiful pool Sagar of Osho Miasto we will have the pleasure to introduce you to Yoga and the shapes of water.
A workshop in which, through the application of gentle methods such as the Tantra Yoga of Kashmir, the Tao Essence Work exploration method and the warm water movements of Oceanic Bodywork Aqua, we will experience a profound healing and rebalancing energy.

The aim of this workshop is to relax the body-mind and find your center. Feel totally alive and discover the energy of our inner polarity, masculine and feminine. We will overcome that suffering which often manifests itself as a kind of nostalgia for unity, discovering the energy of the inner polarity and the earth and water elements.

Yoga and the shapes of water is developed on the concept that there is nothing to eliminate and nothing to add to the Being, this experience is the way back to the embryonic being that contains the “everything”.

The deep reconnection to your being, the dissolving of some traumas, allows the natural joy of your true self to resurface gently and deeply.




Siddho has a doctorate in Social Psychology Science. In 1978 she met the spiritual master Osho and...

Ojas Azzaro

Ojas Azzaro teaches Osho Tantra Yoga in Milan, a yoga that deeply relaxes and transforms. Breath,...



Ojas Azzaro
