VOICING© International Training 1




from 25 September hour 10:00
to 29 September hour 16:30

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To construct a building, you must first dig and anchor the foundations. Similarly, to rediscover ourselves and our true nature, it begins with the reactivation of the original force that is the basis of our Being. From there we can draw the nourishment we need to give depth and substance to the voice.

During these five days we will move on to a deep exploration to rediscover and strengthen our sense of being rooted, solid and strong.

It is a journey through the lowest and most unknown tones of our voice whose difficulties will bring up issues related to the relationship with the body, with nature, with survival, with life force and also with the sense of our origins as human beings.

This contact reactivates the essential dimensions of solidity, consistency and courage that allow us to discover and appreciate our bodily strength, facing, elaborating and absorbing the fear of abuse both in suffering and in expressing physical violence.

Through this journey into the depths of our being we will also touch on issues related to origin, survival, fear of being inadequate.

We will also investigate the need for identification with a group, a culture, a nation, a religion, a territory, a hot topic of our times, which creates, at the collective level, insecurity and loss.

The reactivation and harmonization of the 1st Chakra creates the support to be able to open up to one’s feelings without being overwhelmed, to express oneself and act in the world while maintaining one’s own integrity and dignity and respect for one’s body and to have a valid support for meditation.

This brings us to touch the profound essential dimensions of peace and silence, imbued with ancient wisdom, which connect us with the shamanic knowledge of our most distant ancestors.

The essential qualities that will be activated are red, white, gray and black.


VOICING© International Training

VOICING© is a unique practice that uses the human voice as a tool, sung, without interruptions, without preset or designed soundtracks…

VOICING© Practitioner Internship

To obtain authorization to practice the VOICING© method, you will need the Diploma after completing PRACTITIONER, 5 Internship modules…



Rabamashi grew up in a small Swiss village, with a deep connection to nature and its elements. ...


Pratibha is sannyasin since 1976. The secrets and the power of voice and sounds were revealed her in...


